Our Rabbit Care Guide

By ArthurHoose

Our Rabbit Care Guide


Pet rabbits look very much like wild rabbits. Therefore, their diet should be as close as possible to wild rabbits.

To maintain healthy teeth and healthy guts, they need high-quality fibre. You can cause urinary or dental problems by feeding your rabbit the wrong type of food or the wrong portion. You can check your rabbit’s diet by inspecting their droppings. They should look like compressed hay and be large.

Hay and grass

Rabbits require unlimited access to hay as grass-based products should account for around 80% of their diet. This includes fresh and dried grasses, meadowhay and haylage. Hay and grass not only meet their basic nutritional needs, but they also provide many benefits such as maintaining healthy teeth that continue to grow throughout their lives.

Rabbits who don’t get enough grass or hay can develop painful spurs on their teeth which can make it difficult to eat. Do not feed your rabbit lawnmower clippings. These can quickly ferment and be very harmful.


Rabbits can eat a small amount each day of vegetables, which accounts for about 15% of their daily diet. Your rabbit will be able to enjoy a wide variety of flavours and textures, as well as other nutrients and vitamins. Before you give your rabbit greens or vegetables, wash them thoroughly.

Safe vegetables to rabbits include:

  • Asparagus
  • Basil
  • Broccoli
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Carrots
  • Cauliflower
  • Celery leaves
  • Chard
  • Courgette
  • Dock
  • Green beans
  • Romaine lettuce
  • Parsely
  • Radish tops

It is best to not feed your rabbit

  • Amaryllis
  • Bindweed
  • Bracken
  • Cabbage
  • Chive
  • Elder poppies
  • Garlic
  • Privet
  • Leek
  • Lupin
  • Oak leaves
  • Onion
  • Potato
  • Ragwort
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Although commercial food was the mainstay of rabbit diets in the past (around 5%), modern diets require only 5% of pellet-based foods. Choose high-quality pellets with high fibre and avoid mixing or muesli foods. This encourages selective eating.


Exercising your rabbit with too many treats can lead to obesity and other health problems. Starchy treats and sugary sweets can cause digestive problems by disrupting the delicate balance in their stomach bacteria. Avoid sweetened cereal sticks or milk-based yogurt drops that contain sugar. A piece of broccoli, coriander, or mangetout are great treats.


Rabbits require fresh water at all times. Bottles are better than bowls because they are easier to drink and won’t get blocked. You should change your water every day and clean out the bowls and bottles frequently.


Rabbits must be vaccinated against Viral Haemorrhasic disease (RHD) and Myxomatosis as soon as possible. To maintain their protection, they should be given an annual booster shot.


Myxomatosis, a highly infectious disease, causes inflammation and swelling around the eyes. Even with intensive treatment, it is unlikely that an unvaccinated pet will recover from the disease. Myxomatosis is spread mostly by insects, but it can also be spread through direct contact between rabbits and rabbits. Regular vaccination is not enough to reduce your risk.

  • You can choose from kiln-dried or dust-extracted grass
  • Fit insect screens to outdoor enclosures
  • Flea treatment is essential for pets, especially dogs and cats.
  • Wild rabbits should be prevented from entering your garden

Make sure there is nothing that attracts vermin or wild birds to your hutches and runs. Use small-hole mesh to keep unwanted visitors out

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Viral haemorrhagic disease (RHD).

RHD is only a disease that affects adult rabbits, hares, and can be spread via saliva, nasal discharges, or feces. Unvaccinated rabbits can experience severe internal bleeding, which can lead to death. Many pets are not showing any signs of the disease. RHD can be transmitted to rabbits through other rabbits, people, clothing, objects and even the wind. All rabbits need to be properly vaccinated against RHD.


Myiasis, or flystrike, is when flies lay eggs upon rabbits. These maggots then hatch. Although it is more common in the summer, flystrike can also occur throughout the year. Rabbits with poor diets or wounds are especially at risk.

Flystrike is a serious condition that can be fatal to rabbits. It’s important to immediately call your vet. They will perform a clipping and removal of the maggots. Flystrike can be fatal but quick treatment and diagnosis can make your rabbit fully recover.


There are many great benefits to neutering your rabbit, not only the prevention of pregnancy. Neutering male rabbits will result in a better behavior and less aggression towards other rabbits. If female rabbits aren’t spayed, a large percentage will develop uterine cancer by the time they turn two.


Rabbits are very active and social animals. They need lots of space to run, jump and dig. Your rabbit should be able take three steps and be fully upright in its hutch. You should provide ample space and shelter for your rabbit. Also, ensure it is well ventilated, dry, and free from draughts.

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House rabbits

House rabbit owners often choose to keep them, but it is important to remember that indoor pets require the same amount of space and stimulation as outdoor ones. This means that you will need to prepare your home to make it safe and secure.


You should never keep more than one rabbit. Rabbits are naturally social creatures and prefer to live in groups. Rabbits need a lot of social interaction and can become lonely without it. A neutered male and a female are the best pairings, especially if they come from different litters.

Aggressive behavior

Some rabbits are aggressive and endanger their family members. Because they are prey animals in the wild, some aggression is normal for rabbits. They will fight back with their teeth and claws if threatened by predators. But, pets rabbits are less likely to display aggression:

  • Rabbits can perceive human interaction as a threat if they haven’t been socialized properly.
  • Some rabbits are territorially aggressive and will bite their owners if they don’t get enough food in their hutch.
  • Hormones can make unspayed female rabbits aggressive in spring, their natural breeding season.
  • If they are in pain or discomfort, they can become aggressive.


Pet rabbits need to be groomed regularly. Regular brushing is important to prevent matting. You can also check for health problems by brushing their fur regularly.

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