Are you unsure if you can become vegetarian animals?

By ArthurHoose

Are you unsure if you can become vegetarian? You can still eat less meat, but it is better for the animals and the planet.

Ethical eating can make a big difference in your life, and the lives of millions of factory-farmed animals.

People often ask me, as World Animal Protection’s CEO, what they can do for animals. It was actually a question I was asked by good friends over dinner. I advised them to eliminate cruelly raised meat from their diets. Their response was “Impossible”.

Nearly everyone at the table stated that they had tried to be vegetarian or vegan once, but most people couldn’t resist a bacon sandwich and a Sunday roast after a week. The heated discussion continued throughout the evening, as I explained that I meant “cut out cruelty-produced meat” rather than “no meat”.

I have found that many people who attempt to become vegetarians or vegans end up eating meat again. Many people are shocked at the cruelty that billions of farm animals endure. Yet, they feel powerless or insufficient to reduce their meat intake.

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Reduce your calories and eat more.

However, humane eating does not have to be a one-size fits all approach. It would be a great help to the millions of animals that are factory-farmed every year if more people ate less meat but with higher welfare. 50 billion are intensively raised from the 70+ billion animals that are farmed each year. These animals are more like machines than they are living, breathing, and feeling animals. They live a short and miserable life, often being kept in pens, crates, or cages that prevent them from engaging in their natural behavior.

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Some animals are selectively bred to grow fast. This is why lameness, broken bones, infections, and organ failure are common in many animals. This is something that people should think about when filling their shopping carts at the supermarket. Consuming less meat from animals that are cruelly raised can help farmers do the right thing.

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Supermarkets, suppliers need to act

However, there are many countries making progress. Charoen Pokphand Foods in Thailand, one of the largest pork producers in the world, has committed to removing pigs from their cages during pregnancy. For their Thailand-based operations, the company will make sure that 100% of pregnant pork pigs are kept in group pens by 2025. By the end of 2018, all new farms that are pregnant pig farms will be using group pens. These improvements in pig welfare can and should be replicated on farms all over the globe. There is more to be done. It’s possible to get pigs out their cages and into social groups and give them materials such as straw to manipulate. This will allow them to be pigs, live, move, root, socialise, and have more natural behaviours.

Supermarket chains can make it easier for pigs to live better lives. Our international research has shown that the majority of supermarket shoppers are concerned about factory-farmed pigs and will change their shopping habits if they see a supermarket making efforts to improve the lives of pigs. Supermarkets must understand that customers expect better welfare standards from pork products.

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Better for you, better planet

It is also evident that reducing meat consumption will reduce the pressure on farmers who have industrialized their systems to meet the high demand. My dinner guests and not only animals would be benefited. According to the British Medical Journal, eating less red meat can also lower your risk of developing cancer, heart disease and stroke, as well as infections, kidney disease. liver disease, lung disease, or other diseases.

These benefits are also beneficial for the environment. The global greenhouse gas emissions from livestock production account for nearly 15% of all global greenhouse gases. This is more than any other transport modes, including planes, cars and planes. Millions upon millions of cows that are raised for meat emit enormous amounts of methane. This greenhouse gas is far more potent than carbon dioxide. Methane’s “global warming potential” is 28 times higher than that of carbon dioxide over a 100 year period. It is important to take the environmental consequences of meat production more seriously.

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Clean meat

We might soon be able to eat meat without causing harm to animals, the environment or our health. Businesses and academics are working hard to increase the production of clean meat, which is derived from stem cells harvested from animals. This meat could soon be available in supermarkets within a few years. Research has shown that raising meat in laboratories would significantly reduce the amount of land and water needed for traditional livestock production. The study also showed that greenhouse gas emissions could be drastically reduced, saturated fats could be decreased, and meat would not contain growth hormones or antibiotics.

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Clean meat is not the only option to solve our current farming crisis. Plant-based meat options are growing in popularity and variety. A large portion of the world has easy access to a wide variety of vegetables that are inexpensive and readily available.

For those who have decided not to go vegetarian or vegan, there are still positive options that we can choose from. Although we are not a vegetarian or vegan organization, we understand the enormous impact that eating less but better-quality meat can have on farm animals’ lives, our health, and the environment. Make a pledge to reduce the consumption of cruelly-produced pork and other meats. I’ve.